Customer service at any time from anywhere

Field Service: the Salesforce solution for field service

Work more efficiently with your colleagues and give your customers what they deserve: Real-time support.

A comprehensive Salesforce Solution for optimal work on site

On site, the necessary preparation, such as physical equipment or proper mission planning, is lacking. So what is the solution? Clearly - Field Service! This cloud is the perfect complement for anyone who uses Salesforce's Service Cloud and needs to solve your customers' problems in the field.

With Salesforce Field Service, you can increase the number of service cases that can be solved on the first call. Optimize your service plan and collaborate with your employees on one central platform.

Advantages at a glance

Field Service: The perfect solution. For everyone.

Create orders quickly

Create, manage, and link technical field service work orders to accounts, contacts, products, customer cases, entitlements, and other objects.

Efficient Allocations

Intelligent scheduling allows you to automatically assign your jobs based on workload, skills, location, and other business rules to improve employee productivity.

Increase first-time fix rate

Success rate guaranteed: Einstein Vision's image recognition provides images that identify products and individual parts and even gives the correct steps for installation.

All in one App

The best-in-class mobile and customized solution allows access to deployment plans, parts carried in the vehicle, and real-time collaboration - even without cell phone reception.

Smart decisions

Give your managers and dispatchers quick insight into your team's performance. This way, problems are solved quickly and acted upon according to the needs of your customers.

Top prepared

Don't conform to the norm: Surprise your customers by sending your employees to your clientele optimally prepared and solving problems right at the first visit.

Do you want to convince your customers in the long term?

We'll be happy to advise you on all your options with the right cloud.

Our service offer

This is what we can offer you

Are you looking for further solutions? We want to find these ways together with you. Together we rethink your business processes and implement the right cloud for maximum success results.

Mann mit gelbem Pullover steht vor einem Gebäude