Your data can do something

Salesforce Analytics & Business Intelligence

Every day, your company generates vast amounts of diverse data. It needs the right tools and methods to turn this data into actionable insights. We'll show you how to harness the full potential of your data with Salesforce Analytics and BI (Business Intelligence).

Eine Frau schaut auf ihr Smartphone
Our value proposition

Looking into the future with data

Your company should not only grow, but also establish itself on the market in the long term and stand out from the competition? Do you want to tap new sources of revenue or create innovative business models? The solution is sound data analysis. With smart analytics and the use of AI, Salesforce opens up entirely new opportunities to not just collect data, but to learn from it.

Always one step ahead with Salesfive & Salesforce Analytics

Your data is in the best hands with us. Benefit from numerous advantages such as secure and clear data management and intelligent options for analyzing and evaluating the data.
Leistungen BI & Analytics Mit Salesfive Immer Einen Schritt Voraus Fundierte Datenanalyse Icon 1

Sound data analysis

Using data instead of just collecting it. We identify precisely the information that is relevant for optimizing your processes and decisions. This is the only way to make sustainable and meaningful changes possible.

Leistungen BI & Analytics Mit Salesfive Immer Einen Schritt Voraus Datenmanagement & -Kontrolle Icon 2

Data Management & Control

Sensitive data should be centrally managed, maintained and controlled. We ensure intelligent and protected data management so that you can fully exploit the potential of the available data.

Leistungen BI & Analytics Mit Salesfive Immer Einen Schritt Voraus Datenplattform & -Architektur Icon 3

Data Platform & Architecture

Salesforce's cloud architecture is flexibly scalable. You get a secure platform for your data that meets all current requirements as well as individual needs.

Leistungen BI & Analytics Mit Salesfive Immer Einen Schritt Voraus Produktbezogene Organisation Icon 4

Product related organization

We structure your processes according to the principles of a product-based operating model. This enables fast processes and optimized collaboration.

Leistungen BI & Analytics Mit Salesfive Immer Einen Schritt Voraus Geschäftsanpassung & Change Management Icon 5

Business Adaptation & Change Management

We support you in establishing a data-driven corporate culture and an analytical mindset in the heads of your employees. This makes it faster and easier to achieve strategic goals.

Leistungen BI & Analytics Mit Salesfive Immer Einen Schritt Voraus Wertschöpfung Icon 6

Value added

Sound data analysis is worth its weight in gold. This is how you learn how projects, products and processes have a concrete impact on business results.

Success Stories

Better together

We help you become data-driven. Hidden potentials can be found in the almost endless amounts of data of every company to make the right decisions in the future. We have already been able to help numerous customers optimize their digital processes recently with the smart use of AI-driven Salesforce Analytics and Tableau BI.

Eine Frau und ein Junge steigen eine Treppe hinauf, während im Hintergrund ein Elektroauto lädt

Do you have any questions?

Want to learn more about the many ways you can intelligently use your data to make future decisions? We're happy to help. Fill out the contact form right now, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

The right platform for every project

Salesforce offers various applications for intelligent use of your data, depending on which cloud you use. These can be linked together to make collaboration between different departments such as sales, marketing, service and commerce even smoother and more efficient.
Grafik zu Datorama


With Marketing Cloud Intelligence, all marketing data is networked on one platform, regardless of source or format - a perfect working basis for customized campaigns.

Grafik zu Tableau CRM

Tableau CRM

One platform for all data and business processes: Thanks to user-friendly AI models and engaging dashboards, your data is analyzed and transformed into valuable forecasts and recommendations.

Grafik zu Salesforce Genie

Salesforce Genius

A real-time platform for exceptional customer moments. Through networked data and personalized offers, you enable a completely individual customer experience for all customers.