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Short and sweet
Summer is here and so is the Summer 22 Release. To make this year's warm season especially relaxing yet productive, we'll show you a few of the latest features that promise to make your work even more effective.
The release date for the release depends on your Salesforce instance, but the major release weekends are on:
- May 21, 2022
- June 4, 2022
- June 11, 2022
Welcome to the new platform features
Custom address fields
The Accuracy of address data and ease of use can now be designed even better: The address field is now available as a user-defined field and can be added to all objects as desired. But attention: This only works if the pick lists for state and country have been configured before.
This change applies to Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic in all editions. Like the default, the custom address field can also be populated using Google Lookup for address lookup or manual address entry.
Dynamic topic lists
Now easily customize topic lists directly in Lightning App Builder instead of the object-level page layout editor with the new Component Dynamic Related List-Single. Select the fields to display in the list and the sort order, use filters, and give the list a meaningful name. To display the most relevant records, you can set up to two topic lists with different filters for the same object. For example, on the contact record page, create one topic list to display only opportunities created in the last 30 days and use the second topic list to display all opportunities.
Strengthen your formulas with new functions
With the new functions date, time, mathematical formulas and text, you can Make your formulas more robust with the Summer 22 release. Unless otherwise specified, you can use the new features anywhere you insert a formula: in form fields, validation rules, approval processes, and workflow rules.
To learn how to group the new functions for creating formulas by type, click here:

Even more service from the summer!
New pricing for WhatsApp
Use a WhatsApp channel in Salesforce Messaging? Then this new way of billing be interesting for you!
For now, this change applies to Lightning Experience in Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions in Service Cloud. These pricing changes are part of WhatsApp's move to a conversation-based model. Read about the most important changes here:
The Digital Engagement SKU no longer includes unlimited customer-initiated WhatsApp conversations.
The 25 SMS conversations per user per month included in the Digital Engagement SKU can now be applied to either SMS or WhatsApp conversations. If more WhatsApp conversations are needed, you can purchase an additional license.
Whenever customers start a WhatsApp conversation with your company, a WhatsApp conversation quota is used. The conversation is considered complete when the agent or customer ends the conversation.
Messaging for App & Web
With just a few lines of code, you can give your App the messaging experience to add! Choose - in the app or on the website - which channel you want to use for real-time messaging.
In the developer guide, we walk you through the process of customizing colors and all UI text to make messaging look and act like your app and brand. We also provide a lower-level SDK in case you would like to build your user experience from scratch.
Real-time messaging channel

Smarter routing decisions by checking agent availability
Design your Routing rules out even more intelligently using Omnichannel Flow and Agent Availability. Add the Check Availability for Routing action to an omnichannel flow to determine the number of agents online and the number of work items waiting to be picked up for the specified routing requirements, including routing type and parameters. You can then create routing logic based on the results: For example, if an agent has more than five backlogged work items in its queue, you can route the work items to another queue.
Custom tones can also be used to notify agents when work is being routed.

Last but not least: New and improved Einstein bot functions
Custom Bot Templates
Conversational flows of existing bots can now be created as their own Bot templates are createdThis can be made available through packages to other companies or on the AppExchange so that anyone can use your bot tailored to your industry or use case. Bot template packages include saved Intentions, Flows, and Apex, so you can go from an idea to a fully functional bot in minutes.
The next generation of bots
Enhanced bots, which are now generally available, are the Next generation of bots, built on a new conversational platform and backed by Hyperforce security. Connect an Enhanced Bot to the new Messaging for In-App and Web Channels, as well as Slack and the Einstein Bots API. You can also use Omni Channel Flow's powerful routing to send conversations to and from your bot. Plus, with an enhanced bot, you can send rich content like links, images, and files without detours.
Chatbot with text preview
Previously, you could only preview a bot when it was active and connected to a chat channel. With the text preview you can now test and optimize your bot before you make it visible to your customers. You can check out the messages and conversation flow of a bot as text, regardless of the activation status or connection to a channel.
We are at your disposal for any questions regarding the presented - gladly also further - features. Contact us here !
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