Flexibility with Salesfive
That's how flexible you are at Salesfive! Whether special leave, sabbatical or unpaid leave - we have something for everyone.

The advantages of agile working models
The digital transformation is responsible for the fact that our way of working is constantly changing - the individual needs of employees are playing an increasingly important role. It's no longer just about salary - no, a work-life balance and personal development are often at the heart of a "new worker's" needs. They are interested in working independently, freely and with a sense of purpose - in realizing their potential through their job.
It is therefore more important than ever to give employees as much flexibility as possible. It's about changing old structures and creating space for new, modern and above all contemporary working models. Many companies have long since recognized this and have discovered that giving employees a say in how they spend their time and where they work not only increases productivity, but also makes them happier.
But how does Salesfive implement "New Work" and what opportunities are there for our employees?
This is how flexible you are with Salesfive
Special Leave
Private and professional lives influence each other and can no longer be considered separately. It is therefore all the more important that employees receive paid leave for special events. These include deaths in the family, but also the birth of a child. At some Salesfive locations, however, events such as weddings, paternity and maternity leave, and relocations are also included in our Special Leave offer.
Simply recharge your batteries, relax, recharge your batteries and return to work with fresh ideas: that's what a sabbatical is for. What is it? A sabbatical, also called a sabbatical year, is an unpaid special leave. Employees can arrange it themselves: Anything between one month and one year can be included. As a rule, the length of a sabbatical is usually agreed individually between the employee and the employer.
We at Salesfive also offer a sabbatical! However, our employees must meet certain requirements. For example, the employee must have been employed with us for four years. In addition, a sabbatical should be requested at least six months in advance from the team lead or manager.
We have summarized how an application for a sabbatical works and what steps need to be taken in a checklist for our employees. Here is a brief insight:
Clear and understandable terms and conditions (vacation, sick leave, bonus).
Period set?
Team leader/manager informed.
The management is informed and decides whether to approve or reject the request.
Individual agreement with the legal department + preparation of a sabbatical contract.
Unpaid Leave
A further training course is on the agenda, a sick relative has to be cared for, a doctorate is to be completed? For many employees, annual leave is not enough. The solution to the time problem: unpaid leave. But are employees actually entitled to it?
Salesfive does. The only requirements:
After passing the probationary period
For understandable reasons
After consultation with the team leader/manager
So if unexpected emergency situations arise, a relative needs to be cared for, or a volunteer position needs to be performed, our employees can take up to four weeks of unpaid leave.